Military Screensaver for Roku

Military Screensaver for Roku

HD photo screensaver of tanks, guns, planes, ships and military equipment. Photos are updated regularly to to keep things fresh and exciting!

Each photo transitions smoothly to the next and app operates in screensaver or interactive mode.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you own these photos?

No, Liandra Softworks LLC does not own these photos. These photos are submitted by and hosted on the reddit and imgur communities. Screen Saver Gallery uses the official imgur APIs to search and serve up the highest quality photos.

Can I use these photos on my blog/page/etc.?

Please review the imgur policies. Liandra Softworks LLC does not host or own these photos and cannot grant permission for their use.

Can I report copyrighted content?

If you are the copyright owner, please let us show which photo to remove and we will ban it on Screen Saver Gallery immediately. We will give you the imgur photo ID so you can report the complaint there also. All photos are hosted and distributed by imgur.

What is your privacy policy?

  • This app does not collect any personal information.

I still need help!

If you still have a question, please contact me through Facebook
